Welcome to Senior Journalism
The senior journalism groups this year will be called the
A stringer is a freelance journalist employed to supplement a network of staff journalists. Stringers are used places where the flow of news is not sufficient to justify the presence of a staff correspondent, as well as in countries where the authorities may not allow a staff journalist to cover stories of a specialist nature. Occasionally, ad-hoc stringers are used for individual stories or assignments.
In class today: review of the criteria sheet, class organization (chrome books), blog explanation and a welcome game. See below for a copy of the criteria sheet.
Coming up: criteria sheets are due on Wednesday, September 12. These count as a homework grade of 100 points. Any received after that day will receive 50 points (see course criteria sheet).
Copy of course criteria sheet.
Senior Journalism Course Criteria Sheet Mrs. Parker
Journalism is the natural expression of human curiosity and the exploration of human natur. As with
other language arts courses, students will practice those reading, writing and oral skills that
promote proficiency. Our goal is their practical application to whatever further educational path the student chooses. This course introduces the strategies, tools and techniques of journalism. Students will work in a variety of media to explore local, national and global issues. Upon the successful completion of the course, the student will receive one graduation credit.
IMPORTANT DATES: Curriculum Night – Sept 12 6 – 8 PM
Parent teacher Conference dates: Oct 11 (5-7), Dec. 7( 12:30-2:30)
March 7 (5-7 PM), March 21 (12:30-2:30
Needed Classroom Materials:
Ear buds: We work almost exclusively with the computers and students must be able to hear their material.
*Contact information: Mrs. Parker’s telephone: 242-8074; please leave a message and I’ll ring you back
within 24 hours; e-mail: Dolly.Parker@rcsdk12.org or through parent connect; mail box location: third floor office
Class blog: http://journalism18-19.blogspot.com This is the go-to place for students and parents for all class information, including handouts, readings and homework. The site is updated daily and accessible 24-7. When students are absent, all material can be accessed here. The blog is also available on the SOTA website under my name.
*Parent Connect: The system is designed to improve communication between school and home to support student achievement. Through this secure online system, parents are able to check their child’s academic progress from any computer, any time. My grades are updated every 48 hours. Registration is through the SOTA website: http://www.rcsdk12.org/connectxp. So as to ensure a successful year, all parents are requested to register. Students also have their own accounts, which will allow them to stay up-to-date on their progress. This is accessed through their mail. This is also the quickest way to reach me.
Late work policy: Per school policy, students with legal absences have ten days to make up assignments. I will
accept late material for a 50% grade until the end of the marking period.
Grading: Homework 10%, Class Work 40%, writing 50%
Please note the following school-wide classroom plan.
Be on time, Be prepared, Be engaged.
After tardy to class three times, a student will be required to serve a lunch detention. Refusal to do so will result in a call home and an administrative referral.
Cell phones and all Electronics are prohibited in ALL classrooms.
To include but not limited to: ear buds, headphones, IPODS.
The dress code will be strictly enforced.
To include but not limited to: hats, hoodies and bandanas, as well as what is prescribed by the school
handbook and posters.
Disrespect/Disruption to the educational process is prohibited.
To include but not limited to: bullying, profanity, food consumption and personal grooming.
CONSEQUENCES: To include but not limited to:
Verbal/non-verbal warning/contact log
Move the student’s seat
Parent contact
Lunch detention
After school detention
Conference with administrator
NON-NEGOTIABLES – Immediate removal from classroom
To include but not limited to: Fighting; both physical and verbal, vandalism, theft, chronic disruption, and suspicion of being under the influence of illegal substances.
SEVERE CONSEQUENCES: To be determined by administration
Senior Journalism Mrs. Parker due Wednesday, September 12
Please sign and return the following to indicate that you have read the course
criteria sheet and are familiar with how to access you child’s grades.
criteria sheet and are familiar with how to access you child’s grades.
Student name (print)_____________________________________________________
Student signature _______________________________________________________
Student e-mail _________________________________________________________
Parent/ guardian name (print)______________________________________________
Parent signature ________________________________________________________
Telephone _________________________________________________________________________
Parent e-mail ______________________________________________________________________